Eastwick United Methodist Church
8321 Lindbergh Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19153
Main: 215-365-1810 Fax: 215-365-2049
Email: eastwickunitedmethodist@gmail.com
The Reverend Tracy A. Duncan, Pastor
Mission Statement: Glorifying God, Serving Others
Worship Leader: Sis. Gayle Washington
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, Isaiah 55:10
INVOCATION: Min. Adrienne Jones
PASTORAL PRAYER: Min. Adrienne Jones
PRAYER RESPONSE: “Break Thou The Bread of Life”
Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures are read and your Word is proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen
SCRIPTURE: “Mark 1: 35-39”
WORD: “The Same Time Tomorrow” Rev. Tracy Duncan
To Give your Tithes and Offerings go to our website:www.Eastwickumc.org And Click on:
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at the end of service.
Please also remember the Connectional Ministries Giving
The amount collected as of January 5, 2025, was $315 – towards our 2025 Connectional Ministry Goal
of $ 12,012.
We lift up to you those who have been silenced by hardship, affliction, and injustice.
Forgive us for not speaking up for the least among us. We confess that we have not exercised our influence and position to change things. Grant us the courage to be agents of change and instruments of justice. Empower us with the will and the desire to see your kingdom manifest on earth as it is already done in heaven. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen
CLOSING HYMN: “Honor And Glory”
To the king, eternal, immortal, invisible the only God
Be the honor and glory forever and ever (Repeat)
Honor and glory forever. Honor and glory forever. Honor and glory forever. Amen.
Honor and glory forever. Honor and glory forever. Honor and glory forever. Amen.
Unless the Lord built the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain.” The Lord is building the house. The Lord is guarding the city. Go forth to your home, to your schools, to your work, to the cities, to the world in faith. Go in the presence and power of God. Amen
To the Eastwick Family: Thank you again for your cards, text messages, love gifts and even calling during this past season. I would add to my thanks, the wonderful fruit baskets and the beautiful orchid plant. I so appreciate you for being so thoughtfully concerned. God is full of grace and mercy, and surely God is able. I continue to hold on to that even as I continue to press through for full restoration. May the Lord God reward you openly for the things you have done so generously in secret. Rev. Duncan
To All Leadership: Please submit any dates for event or training times to the Pastor, Church, Secretary, Administrative Council Chair, and Building Use Scheduler (Rev. Duncan, Pat Patton, Dr. Carana Bennett, Joyce Brown).
Jan. 19, 2025 – Celebration of Leadership. I am asking that those who lead ministries within the life of the church come together in worship today if able. Let us invite others as we celebrate whom God has placed among us for the task of leading. We give thanks and honor to God who has planted leaders within the life of the church to help guide us in the work that we do. We recognize that leadership is not easy and that the call to leadership requires much of us. We give thanks to God for the strength that enables us to complete the work defined and designed for each leader. Today we give God thanks for those whom he has called to leadership. Let’s remember them with our prayers and our support.
This week’s Hour of Power is rescheduled to January 17th.
Jan. 19, 2025 – Dr. King Trivia. Come, see, here and share what you may know about Dr. King.
January 27, 2025, 6:30 P.M. – Admin Council Meeting will be held, Zoom Information will be emailed.
Jan 24, 2025, 5:00-6:30 P.M. – Girl Scouts Meeting.
Remember Those Who are Sick and Those Shut-In:
Pastor Duncan, Rande Jackson, Vincent Nedd, Joyce Brown, Frances Boone, Babette Dupont, Jill Singleton, Myrtle Cannon, Catherine Roberts, Catherine Sutton, Michelle Murphy, Pat Patton. Please remember to alert the Pastoral Care Team (Joanne Briscoe and Bob Sutton) if there are others to be mentioned on this list.
If you are healed and fully recovered and wish your name to be removed from this list you may also alert Joanne or Bob.