Eastwick United Methodist Church
8321 Lindbergh Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19153
Main: 215-365-1810 Fax: 215-365-2049
Email: eastwickunitedmethodist@gmail.com
The Reverend Tracy A. Duncan, Pastor
Mission Statement: Glorifying God, Serving Others
Worship Leader Sis. Charmaine Tyler
David stayed in the wilderness strongholds and in the hills of the Desert of Ziph. Day after day Saul searched for him, but God did not give David into his hands.
INVOCATION: Min. Adrienne Jones
OPENING PRAISE: “ Praise Him! Praise Him “
Sis. Charlyene Pickney
PASTORAL PRAYER: Sis. Charmaine Tyler
PRAYER RESPONSE: “Without God, I Could Do Nothing”
Sis. Charlyene Pickney
ANNOUNCEMENTS: (Announcements on Back Pages)
Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures are read and your Word is proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen
SCRIPTURE Habakkuk 2: 2-3
HYMN OF PREPARATION: “Come and Go With Me To My Father’s House”
Sis. Charlyene Pickney
WORD: “ Normalize Next: Write the Vision” Rev. Tracy Duncan
Sis. Charlyene Pickney
To Give your Tithes and Offerings go to our website:www.Eastwickumc.org And Click on:
Contact Us – Give – Donate
When you access the church website you give using PayPal, or with a Debit Card, or with a Credit Card Or use the easy and convenient options below:
The amount collected as of 9/1/2024 we collected $355.00 toward our Connectional Ministry to bring our total for this year to $8,274towards our goal.
Lord Jesus, our savior and redeemer, we come to you with hearts filled with gratitude For the abundant blessings You give us each day. We acknowledge that cheerful giving is not an obligation, but a joyful act of worship. Help us understand that our giving is an expression of our deep love for you And our want to further your kingdom here on earth.
CLOSING HYMN: “Total Praise”
May the God of endurance and encouragement, grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may With one voice glorified the God And father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Our Hearts and Prayers go out to out sister Juanita Kilson , Juanita lost her sister several days ago, please keep her and her family in our prayers, and those who wish to send expressions of sympathy you may do so at 7927 Buist Ave, Phila. Pa.19153
Thank you to those good and faithful servants who came out to clean and purge last week. It has made a noticeable difference.Thank you again for your commitment and faith in what’s NEXT. Stewardship and Trustees
September 16, 2024. 6:30 PM Administrative Council. Dr. Carana Bennett will be leading this meeting on Zoom. See the attached link. https://philasd-org.zoom.us/j/6114554786
September 21, 2024. 10:00 AM. West Lawn UMC, Reading, PA. Welcome and receiving of Bishop Cynthia Moore Koikoi. Pastor Duncan will be serving as one of the participants during this worship service.
September 22, 2024. Guest Musician in worship.
September 27, 2024. 6:30 to 8:30PM. Line Dancing at Eastwick UMC. Come out and have some fun.
October 20, 2024. Laity Sunday. This day gives us an opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the work of lay members throughout the life of the church and congregation.
October 26, 2024.Church Conference.3:00 – 4:30 PM. Sayers Memorial, 61st & Catherine Sts. Church Leadership is expected to attend as some matters will require a vote for approval.
October 27, 2024. Service of Healing. We would like to take this day to engage the Lord for acts of healing in the lives of those in need. Whether physical, spiritual, emotional – we want to come believing God for works of restoration, endurance and comfort during this service.
Remember Those Who are Sick and Shut-In: Joyce Brown, Frances Boone, Babette Dupont, Jill Singleton, Myrtle Cannon, Catherine Roberts, Catherine Sutton, Michelle Murphy, Pat Patton Please remember to alert the Pastoral Care Team (Joanne Briscoe and Bob Sutton) if there are others to be mentioned on this list.
1 Not to us, O Lord, not to us
but to your name be the glory,
because of your love and faithfulness.
Psalm 115:1