Eastwick United Methodist Church

8321 Lindbergh Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19153

Main:  215-365-1810   Fax:  215-365-2049

Email: eastwickunitedmethodist@gmail.com

The Reverend Tracy A. Duncan, Pastor

Mission Statement: Glorifying God, Serving Others


Worship Leader  Sis. CarmenThomas




INVOCATION:                                                                                                                       Min. Adrienne Jones


OPENING PRAISE:                                                                                                                             TBA


PASTORAL PRAYER:                                                                                                                  Sis. Damali Best


PRAYER RESPONSE:                                                                                                                                                 TBA


ANNOUNCEMENTS:                           (see last page)    

PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION:                                                                                                        Bro. Joseph Perry

Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures are read and your Word is proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen


SCRIPTURE                                                                                                                                  TBA

HYMN OF PREPARATION:                                                                                                             TBA


WORD:                                                                                            District Superintendent Rev. Evelyn Kent Clark

INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP /ALTAR CALL                                               

MINISTRY OF GIVING:                                                                                                            Worship Leader                                                                                                

To Give your Tithes and Offerings go to our website:www.Eastwickumc.org And Click on:  

Contact Us  – Give  – Donate

When you access the church website you give using PayPal, or with a Debit Card, or with a Credit Card    Or use the easy and convenient options below:

Cash App  – $EastwickUMC
Mail to the church 8321 Lindbergh Blvd Phila., PA. 19153 – Att. Finance Dept
Bring it to the church and drop it off in the mailbox, or If you are here at our church service
today you can give your Tithes and Offering to someone who will be at the door with a basket

      at the end of service.

Please also remember the Connectional Ministries Giving

The amount collected  as of November 10, 2024, collected was $ 70toward our Connectional Ministry to bring our total for this year to $13,209 which puts us over our Goal of $12,056.. Awesome Job – Praise God!


Great Giver, as we prepare to share our gifts with you, the giver of all things, let us remember your grace given freely to us on this day.  Let us rejoice in your hope that encourages us along the way.  Let us surrender our sin, and live life worthy of your name.  Let us bask in the blessing of truly being born again.  As you have been zealous in redeeming our souls, we offer you these gifts and thank you for making us whole. In Jesus name we pray.  AMEN.

CLOSING HYMN:                                                                                                               Total Praise                  


God is. God is all that.  God is light that kisses dark skies, signifying a new day has come.  God is kisses your spouse gives you in the morning, declaring God’s love is present and powerful God is hugs you give your kids as you send them to new possibilities, to learn fresh lessons of faith.  God is strength within to help you rise in the morning to lead others to redemption, when rising sometimes is difficult.  God is joy in sorrow, happiness in harassment, God is triumph in the face of terror.  God is victory in spite of the vicissitudes of life. God is.  God is. God is.  Go with God

(Joseph W. Daniels, Jr.)



It is that special time of year to think about the  Methodist Services’ Toy Drive and our contribution to them at Christmas. Last day for donations is 12/7/24 Flyers were emailed out for additional information see …… Sis. Helen Best

Dec. 3rd at 7PM UMWIF Meeting is scheduled zoom information will be shared via email.

Advent begins Sunday December 1, 2024.  The Worship Committee will be looking for Family

Groups (singles, family, teams) to share in the Advent Readings.  Please accept a call from Mrs. Delois Nedd or let her know you are interested in being a part of these Advent celebrations.

December 3, 2024. Tuesday 10 AM to 12 Noon.  Eastwick Regional Playground Clean Up.  South 80th Street. Wil Fraser, Clean Air Council.

Hour of Power is planning a Pre-Christmas Bible Study in the Community for December.   Look for information to follow.  Come out and enjoy the Word and some good food.    

Other Events:  Game night and Line Dancing.  These activities are fun and could boost your health.  Come fellowship and bring a friend.   See Crystal Jefferson for more information

Remember Those Who are Sick and Shut-In:  

Rande Jackson, Vincent Nedd, Joyce Brown, Frances Boone, Babette Dupont, Jill Singleton,  Myrtle Cannon, Catherine Roberts, Catherine Sutton, Michelle Murphy, Pat Patton.  Please remember to alert the Pastoral Care Team (Joanne Briscoe and Bob Sutton) if there are others to be mentioned on this list.  
