Bishop John Schol’s thoughts concerning what it means to be a vital congregation.  The outlining of Bishop Schol’s thoughts are found in the link below.

“Highly vital congregations are focused on growing their vitality by making and maturing disciples, not achieving numbers. Highly vital congregations grow and support disciples and leaders through worship, small groups, lay and clergy leadership development and ministry and mission engagement.”


The Five Vital Markers of Congregational Vitality are defined more directly below.

  • Congregational vitality –  A vital congregation engages its people in five areas for fruitful ministry.
  1. Worship that inspires people to put God first in their lives and deepen their faith.
  2. Small groups that connect people to one another, deepen both understanding and the practice of following Christ, and engage people in hands on mission
  3. Mission that engages people in the community through ministries of mercy and justice.
  4. Formation of new disciples.
  5. Generosity that extends the mission of the congregation into the community and around the world. (NewSpirit – Jan. 25, 2022).

Eastwick’s Vision is:  Loving God, Serving Others.  Let’s encourage one another to greater vitality in our work through Christ.

April 24, 2023