Ministry day
This is a three-day per week ministry serving Southwest Philadelphia and some parts of Delaware County with food and clothing distribution. It has an added component of Bible Study for those who wish to participate and serves as an evangelistic outreach witness for the church. Days of operation are: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Eastwick Food BAnk
Children’s Church
This ministry was recently re-established in 2017. Young people are invited to participate in a Sunday School lesson during the worship service hour. This ministry is staffed by volunteers and is available to all who desire to engage. Young people in addition, participate in the formal aspects of worship at the direction of their Christian Education Director.
This ministry is being re-developed. Look for additional information at a later date.
Girl Scouts
This group meets every first and third Friday of the month with girls ages 5-14. The meeting time is: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
A vibrant group of Eastwick members who seek to make sure you feel welcome as you enter the worship space.
hospitality Committee
This arm of the church assists with meeting comfort needs for those who come and are part of fellowship activities in the life of the church.
Hour of Power Bible Study
This Bible Study meets on Thursday mornings at 11 AM. This group seeks to make modern day application of the scriptures while having in-depth study of the Bible texts to support our everyday living. The current course of study is the book of Judges.
Men’s Fellowship
This is an arm of United Methodist Men. This is a monthly meeting for men, the first Saturday of every month. Food and fellowship are in abundance. Additionally, the men encourage one another with spiritual food by ministering the Word.
Music Ministry
Several opportunities to sing praises to God are available at Eastwick. The Praise and Worship team ministers at the start of worship services. There is an Adult, mixed-voice choir, Male Chorus, and a children’s choir rounds out the music ministries at Eastwick.
This is an on-going ministry of the church which emphasizes not only use of our time, talent, and treasure but provides devotional support to encourage us to be better stewards of all that God does. The current supportive arm to our regular giving is a 52-Week Challenge (a self-directed pledge giving ministry).
Serve the facility needs in the life of Eastwick. They manage the properties and have general oversight of all things pertaining to buildings properties at Eastwick.
United Methodist Women
This group of women meets monthly to address the service needs of the local church and global missions to help equip women and girls around the world to be leaders in communities and churches.
This group serves to engage the worshipping. They help to direct people as necessary during various aspects of worship and throughout the building.
WEdnesday Night
Prayer & Bible study
This ministry begins at 6:30 PM with a half-hour of verbal and silent prayer. Bible Study begins promptly at 7 PM. All are welcome. Our current study concerns the Baptism of the Holy Spirit based in the Bible with a companion book called, The Essential Guide to Baptism in the Holy Spirit by Dr. Ron Phillips, DMin.
Women’s Fellowship
This ministry meets every second Saturday of every other month. Women connected to the life of Eastwick centers gather for prayer support for life issues. Fellowship through food and ministry through the Word round out the life of this service arm of the church.
Worship Committee
This vital ministry assists in the planning off worship experiences to help embody the potential gamut of engagement one might find while seeking to worship the Lord at Eastwick.