Eastwick UMC
Sunday, March 22, 2020
10:45 AM Worship
Opening Prayer
Praise and Worship
This is the Day/What a Mighty God We Serve
Praise Him
Congregational Hymn Amazing Grace
Pastoral Prayer
Through It All
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture: John 9: 1-41
Sermon: Spiritual Blindness
Altar Prayer
Closing Hymn Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Please remember your Tithes and Offerings at: www.eastwickumc.org. under the Givings tab.
Give, Donate (bottom of page) and either Paypal account or your Debit or Credit card.
2 Responses
How do I tithe?
Hi James. I did not see this post when I went into the website. I know that you are well able to tithe now. I apologize for missing this. Be blessed and we will see you on Sunday.